The origins
Agrital is a family company founded in 1972. It’s active in the production of driver’s cabs. Initially only for tractros (hence the name) and later also for other industrial vehicles. In 1999 we opened a carpentry department initially for our products and later also for the production for third parties.
Together with Sovema, a manufacturer of agricultural machineries, Agrital forms a single industrial group.
We are associated at Confindustria Bergamo.
The targets
“The purpose of the company is not simply the production of profit, but the existence of the company as a community of men”. Centesimus Annus, John Paul II
The desire to improve in order to be more and more a social entity: a source of peaceful work for collaborators, a loyal resource for suppliers and customers, an active figure in one’s own territory. Transforming the creation of daily economic value into long-term social value.
The will to innovate at all levels, not just for the product. Knowing how to face challenges, experiencing competition as a stimulus to growth.
Always have the customer at the center: for the product and for the service, and do it to the best of one’s ability.

Our models
- The Japanese philosophy of kaizen: continuous and constant improvement.
- The applications of Lean Production and Six Sigma for quality.
- And finally the 4Es: energy, energizes, edge but always concrete (execution)

We for the environment
We are also concerned about the environmental impact of our business. So we have a free automatic water dispenser to reduce the consumption of plastic bottles.
From an estimate up to 2018, about 18,000 0.5-liter bottles were consumed per year. To produce these bottles you need about 240 kg of PET which involved a consumption of 500 kg of oil and an incredibly 4100 liters of water !!!!
A 240 Kwp photovoltaic system has been active since 2021, resulting in a lack of emissions into the atmosphere of about 135,000 kg of carbon dioxide per year.
We try to improve ever, step by step with kaizen philosophy. For that during 2023 we have installed a new vertical automated storage and a new laser tube machine.